Separation Support Group
Our Separation Support is currently by appointment.
Please contact us via email.
Our separation support group is a community
peer run support group to
assist those in their journey of
separation or challenged with domestic abuse.
Follow us on Instagram
In May 2023,
Risebridge hosted a community
workshop on Coercive Control.
Below are the resources gathered and
shared during this workshop.
Thank you to the
Department of Justice Canada
for the grant funding
to host these important workshops.

REPORT: Creating Safety in BC Courts: Key Challenges and Recommendations:
The Hidden, Deadly Epidemic in Partner Violence
HELP Toolkit: Identifying and Responding to Family Violence for Family Law Legal Advisers
Marginal note: Abduction in contravention of custody or parenting order
Domestic Violence Death Review Committee
Post-Separation Abuse Wheel (attached)
Jane Monckton Smith Domestic Homicide Timeline TED talk
CCFWE Economic Abuse Screening Tool
Legal Abuse Scale
Recent News which will be important in upcoming months:
Submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council on April 19th, 2023 the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences, Reem Alsalem - on Parental Alienation
Book Recommendations:
1. Coercive Control in Children's and Mothers' Lives - Dr.Emma Katz
2. Why Does He Do That? - Lundy Bancroft
3. When Dad Hurts Mom - Lundy Bancroft
4. See What YOU Made Me Do - Jess Hill
5. Know Your Rights and Claim Them - A Guide for Youth - Amnesty International, Angelina Jolie, Geraldine Van Bueren
6. In Control - Dangerous Relationships and How They End in Murder - Jane Monckton-Smith
7. Coercive Control - Evan Stark
8. Fix the System, Not the Women - Laura Bates
Podcasts to listen to:
1. The Trap -Victorian Women's Trust and Jess Hill
2. She is Your Neighbour
3. Talking Papers with Haley Hrymak - episodes 4, 6 & 7
Supports available in Nanaimo, BC:
~RCMP 911/non-emergency line and can be connected to RCMP Victim Services
~Haven Society - drop in Monday to Friday - crisis line 24/7 1-888-756-0616
~Crisis Line - 1-888-494-3888
~Justice Access Centre -
~RB Separation Support - @RBSeparationSupport on Instagram
~Mamas for Mamas -
~Cedarwoman House - 250-591-5580 -
~Nanaimo Regional General Hospital - Forensic Nurse Examiners available 24/7 via Emergency Department
~Brooks Landing Mental Health Support - Walk-in Crisis Counselling Clinic
~Vancouver Island Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Program (VISCAN) - Referrals for this program are accepted from MCFD, First Nation agencies, healthcare providers and the police.

In May 2024,
Risebridge hosted a community
workshop on Traumatic Brain Injury from
Intimate Partner Violence.
Below are the resources gathered during this workshop.
Resources from May 14th Workshop
Karen Mason from the SOAR Project
Intimate Partner Violence and Trauma Informed Practice
Adapted HELPS BI Assessment Tool
Free Concussion Awareness Training Tool For Women's Support Workers
Information provided from
Dr. Sandy Shulz
Information table set up by
Nanaimo Brain Injury Society